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Information Technology Subject Guide

This LibGuide supports students taking classes in the Information Technology curriculum (CIS, CSC, CTI, CTS, DBA, NOS, WEB) at Durham Tech.

Work in Information Technology!

Working in information technology can be a rewarding career. The skills you develop in your course work will be directly applicable to a number of job opportunities. Here is a list of some of the careers in which you might be interested, along with their projected growth, average salary, IT credentials needed and general description of the work.

Job search websites

You can the image to the left to search's listing of technology-related job openings. If you want to focus your search on a specific geographic area (e.g., Durham or North Carolina), enter the name of a place in the text box labeled "where." Indeed also lets you focus your search based on salary, job type, experience level or company.

Careerbuilder.comAnother job search website is CareerBuilder. CareerBuilder also lets you focus your search similar to

Glassdoor.comWhen you search Glassdoor for job openings, you can find information about companies--salary, working conditions, etc.--from people who work or have worked for that company. This can be very helpful in your job search.

In addition to providing a job search platform, ZipRecruiter enables employers to reach out to its members who are seeking jobs.You can also check out ZipRecruiter's blog.

Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange is a group of websites where you can create an account and ask--or answer--questions about a variety of topics. Some of the Stack Exchange websites related to information technology are described below.

Ask Ask UbuntuUbuntu is one of the Stack Exchange communities, where you can ask or answer questions about Ubuntu, a Linux operating system.

How efficient is your coding? Take on a challenge from Programming Puzzles & Code Golf and test your coding and problem solving skills.

Are you interested in helping others with computer graphics, or do you have some computer graphics question yourself? Try the new Computer Graphics Stack Exchange.


Coding Education Resources

codecademyCodecademy's tagline is "Teaching the world how to code." Sign up for an account and you can follow structured lessons that teach you to code in HTML/CSS, Rails, Git, SQL and other languages. Lessons are step-by-step and build on what you have learned already as you learn and practice new skills.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy ( Academy offers instruction similar to a classroom, with the instructor speaking and either drawing or typing during the lesson. Classes include academic subjects--math, science, arts, economics--in addition to technology courses.

Click on the image to go to a list of computer programming courses, which include HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL and others.