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Library Tech Tools

Technology and technology tools available for checkout in the Durham Tech Library

Need or want to borrow a calculator for your class?

 How To Request to Borrow a Scientific or Graphing Calculator from the Durham Tech Library

Calculator Borrowing Options

Calculators available at Durham Tech Library
Item Picture Item Name Borrow Length Requirements
TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator Ti-84 Graphing Calculator Up to 2 weeks

Students in any Durham Tech class can request to borrow a short-term TI-84 for up to two weeks by completing the Calculator Borrower Agreement Form

Photo ID and library account required.

TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator for semester loan Ti-84 Graphing Calculator
Up to 16 weeks

Students can apply for a semester-long calculator if they are currently enrolled in MAT classes 143 and above by completing the Calculator Borrower Agreement Form.

Semester-long calculator checkouts are restricted to MAT 143/043, MAT 152/052, MAT 171/071 and above for 8- and 16-week loans.

Photo ID and library account required. TI-84s are not eligible for renewal term-to-term.

TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator Up to 2 weeks

Complete the Calculator Borrower Agreement Form

Students can apply to borrow a scientific calculator for the term if they are currently enrolled in any class (MAT, CHM, etc.) by completing the Calculator Borrower Agreement Form.

Photo ID and library account required.

TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator for in-library use Ti-84 Graphing Calculator
(Reserve copy)
In library use only; 2 hours. Ask at library desk. Library account required.