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Library Tech Tools

Technology and technology tools available for checkout in the Durham Tech Library

Need to borrow a laptop for your classes?

 How To Request to Borrow a Laptop Through the Durham Tech Library

Loaner Laptop FAQs

A simple way to explain the difference is that the operating system on a Chromebook and PC/Windows laptop are different. Chromebooks are meant for tasks that can take place mostly online. Most Durham Tech classes can be completed successfully on a Chromebook since you can access Microsoft Office 365 in your web browser, do research, access Canvas, and do all the other things you need to complete your coursework. While you can download files, you cannot download programs in the same way as on a PC laptop. Chromebooks use apps to access different programs if they are downloaded, much like a smart phone.

A Windows/PC laptop allows you to download more memory-heavy versions of different apps/programs. For example, Excel from Office 365 does not have some of the memory-heavy features that a downloaded version of Microsoft Excel may have.

When you apply for a laptop using the Computer Assistance Request form, we will verify your classes. If you are taking CIS, CTS, SEC, CTI, DBA, WEB, or Cisco networking classes, we will check out a PC/Windows laptop to you if one is available for the duration of that class. PC/Windows laptops are not available for renewal; they must be returned at the end of each term. You may not specifically request a PC/Windows laptop.
No, we do not have any MacBooks available for checkout. Please contact your instructor about using the Mac Lab if your coursework requires a Mac device.
Students who are continually enrolled between summer, fall, and spring terms should complete a renewal request form after registering for their next term of classes. Renewal forms will be emailed to students after registration begins and towards the end of the term, so renewal forms will be emailed out early July to renew for fall and in December for spring. We will not renew without the completion of a renewal form. Students who have not completed a renewal request form will be considered overdue even if they are continually enrolled and will be billed according to our unreturned laptop billing process (see below).

If a student is registered for classes that have more than a month between the computer's due date and the start of their next class, they should return their current laptop and pick up another laptop when their next class starts.

We collect all Chromebooks every May for general inventory and maintenance. There is no renewal between spring and summer. Students needing a computer for summer terms will need to return their current laptop, complete a new Computer Assistance Request form, and will be able to pick up a laptop starting midway through the week prior to classes starting.

If a student is enrolled in summer classes, they would be considered continually enrolled if they are enrolled in 16 week fall courses or 8 week fall courses that begin in early August. A student who is enrolled in 8 week fall classes that begin in October after summer classes is not considered continually enrolled.

CCR students studying to earn an adult high school diploma or take a high school equivalency exam (GED or HiSET) must complete coursework either online in Apex Learning or Essentials Education or in-person with a Durham Tech instructor on a no less than bi-weekly basis (every two weeks) to be considered continually enrolled. Completed and submitted assignments, quizzes, and tests reviewed by an instructor count toward attendance.

If you have one of our Dell 5400 or Dell 3100 Chromebooks or one of our Dell Windows laptops, please let us know and bring the computer back as soon as possible. Our ITS department will assess if we can fix the Chromebook.

If you have one of our HP Fortis Chromebooks or HP Elitebook Windows laptops, we have purchased 5-year all-inclusive warranties with them using our grant funding, so please bring it back as soon as possible so we can work on getting it fixed using the warranty. You will not be billed for accidental damage as long as it is returned promptly.

If you broke or lost your charger, you will be charged the replacement cost, currently around $50. Replacement bags are $20.

If your laptop was stolen, please get a police report to us as soon as possible so we can document it. Laptops declared stolen after they have already been billed may not be forgiven.

When a laptop is long overdue, part of the process includes administratively locking the laptop. Students will be unable to log on or connect to the internet without an error notice on long overdue Chromebooks.

If you do not return the borrowed laptop, bag, and charger in good, working condition, your Durham Tech library account will be blocked and your Durham Tech student account will be billed the replacement cost. The library submits bills to the Business Office approximately one month after the due date for most regular overdue laptops and two weeks after laptops from students who are no longer enrolled mid-term. You will be contacted by text and email using the contact info you provide to us prior to billing. Students will be unable to register for additional classes and will not be able to get copies of their student records (including transcripts) for other schools or for employment. To remove the bill, you can pay online through Self-Service or in-person at the Business Office on Main Campus. You can also return the laptop, charger, and bag it to a Durham Tech Library employee and we will submit the request to remove the bill from your student account, which may take 2-4 business days.

Need one-on-one help with technology?

The Center for Academic Excellence offers Tech Skills Coaching for students..

They offer assistance with Canvas, such as uploading and retrieving assignments, locating course-related documents such as the syllabus, and navigating basic functions in Canvas.

They also provide tutoring on skills such as saving a document on a flash drive, computer, or in the cloud; creating folders to store coursework, and understanding how to use Microsoft Office.

The tech skills coach helps with student skills such as study skills, note-taking skills, test-taking skills, and more! 

Want to learn more about your tech?