When using information for research you must use good critical thinking skills to evaluate it!
On this page you'll find a variety of tools to help you assess the trustworthiness and usefulness of information you find. For a quick overview, see the box "Smarter in Seconds with Blair Imani." For detailed, step-by-step instructions, check out the video series in the box labeled "Online Verification Skills (SIFT)."
You can always ask for help from a librarian too!
Evaluating Information
Use the criteria below to review the website you are evaluating. A high quality source with good information will enable you to answer MOST of the questions in each box with a "YES."
Deciding whether information you find online is reliable is a challenge! Following the SIFT method will help. Check out the information below and also the Library Blog post about the SIFT method.
This series of 4 short videos give you the tools and methods you need to quickly evaluate information using the SIFT method
Original source and lots more descriptive text: SIFT: the four moves by Mike Caulfield