The library databases are licensed for use by Durham Tech students, faculty, and staff only. For remote access, please use your Durham Tech login and password. Please contact the library if you have questions or problems with remote access.
CQ Researcher provides in-depth coverage of current topics. Articles include an overview, historical background, pro/con, and more.
Credo Reference features more than 600 online reference books. You'll find helpful topic pages, articles from encyclopedias in many disciplines, and links to articles in other library databases.
Credo Reference features hundreds of encyclopedias and dictionaries. This is a great source for background reading about a topic.
The library currently subscribes to the following print EDU journals and magazines:
Young Children (YC)
Holdings: 1994 - Current
Teaching Young Children (TYC)
Holdings: 2015- Current
Holdings: 1995 - Current
Dimensions of Childhood
Holdings: 1993 - Current
Holdings: 2000 - Current
ProQuest Central is a database of periodical content that covers more than 160 subject areas. It includes scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, and trade publications.
Academic OneFile contains peer-reviewed and full-text scholarly content across all academic disciplines.