These are just some of the resources available in the library collection available for checkout for 3 weeks. Please use the library catalog to find more items, or ask a librarian for assistance finding what you need.
The search below will find books, audiobooks, DVDs, and videotapes in the library collections.
The following items are on reserve in the library for the class Philosophical Issues. They are kept behind the Circulation Desk and can be checked out for two hours to be used in the library; they cannot be taken out of the library. Please keep in mind that reserves can change from one semester to another.
Books in the Information Series on Current Topics from Gale Cengage Learning provide reference articles about different aspects of a "hot" topic of discussion in the United States. You may consider starting with one of these books in your research for your Introduction to Ethics class!
These are just some of the items available in the library's Reference collection. Reference items can only be used in the library (not checked out). Please use the online catalog to search for more items, or ask a librarian to get help finding what you need.