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Learn human anatomy and physiology using interactive models, animations, case studies and clinical content.
Durham Tech has only Anatomy & Physiology module, which includes dental anatomy!
If you end up at, just click the TITLES tab. To locate the 3D dental resources, scroll down to find the "dental hygiene" option under Clinical Specialties.
Database of nursing and allied health journals with additional materials that include evidence-based care sheets, audiovisuals, continuing education modules,nursing dissertations, and conference proceedings.
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health provides access to academic journals and other reference content covering all aspects of the nursing profession, from direct patient care to health care administration.
ProQuest Central is a database of periodical content that covers more than 160 subject areas. It includes scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, and trade publications.
Academic OneFile contains peer-reviewed and full-text scholarly content across all academic disciplines.
If you want to limit your search to quantative studies, first try "quantitative" as a keyword, then try using one of the following terms/phrases in your search (example: lactation AND statistics):
If you want to limit your search to qualitative studies, first try "qualitative" as a keyword, then try using one of the following terms/phrases in your search (example: lactation AND focus group):