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Durham Tech Book Clubs & Reading Circles

Action Items

Things to consider when organizing your reading circle or book club: 

  • Does your book lend itself to action items (things to notice or act on) between meetings? 
  • Does your group need/want a place to discuss topics related to your reading between meetings, like a Teams group, email list, or discussion board? 
  • Should you schedule all meetings ahead of time or play it by ear? (TIP: The larger the group, the more difficult it is to play it by ear.)
  • Will you meet in person, virtually, or follow a hybrid model?

Suggested Agreements

A reading circle is a group of equals. While the facilitator may begin discussion and redirect if needed, all voices are heard and valued

Durham Tech Reading Circle

We recommend developing a group of agreements that your reading circle decides on during your first meeting.

  1. Receptive Dialogue: We will ask open questions, offer our own stories and ideas, and be receptive to listening to one another.

  2. Equitable Dialogue: We will have a single conversation — one voice at a time, with roughly equal time to share. We will each step up or consciously step back as needed. This includes situations where online discussion and participants may be present.

  3. Confidential Dialogue: We will ensure that personal information and opinions made within our Circle are not shared beyond it, unless someone gives clear permission to do so.

  4. Learning Dialogue: We will lean into learning, welcome diverse opinions and perspectives, and support our mutual growth in knowledge and understanding.

  5. Courageous Dialogue: We bring ourselves fully into this discussion Circle, looking deeply at ourselves while also looking towards what is possible and how we can best contribute.

  6. Compassionate Dialogue: We will show compassion to ourselves and others as we may explore areas where we are seeking to learn more about the world and ourselves. 

  7. Additional agreements for this Circle? 

Agreements are based on ideas from All We Can Save Reading Circle, Session 1