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ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry

This guide supports ENG 111 student by providing resources on developing research topics, citing sources, and more.


Use this resource guide to find materials to support your
English 111, Writing and Inquiry assignments

Information on citing sources, developing topics, and more can be found in the tabs on the left side of the screen.

If you have any questions about the resources please contact me or any of the reference librarians. We're always happy to help!

Credo Reference- Online Encyclopedias

Credo Reference features more than 600 online reference books.  You'll find helpful topic pages, articles from encyclopedias in many disciplines, and links to articles in other library databases.

Research Guide on English Grammar

For help with English grammar, consult the Grammar Resources Research Guide.

Test Preparation (includes writing and grammar resources)

The Durham Tech library subscribes to PrepSTEP for Colleges, which provides help with reading and writing, as well as career preparation and practice tests for entrance and occupational exams.

Under "Core English Skills" you can find grammar and writing skills improvement courses, ebooks, practice tests, and exercises for essay writing and grammar.  You create your own login and password to use this site. 


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