An annotated bibliography is a list of sources about a topic, including a citation for and a description of each source.
Annotated bibliographies can serve a variety of purposes.
This tutorial was created for a specific ENG 111 class, but the information in it is relevant to anyone who needs to know how to do an annotated bibliography.
You can click "CC" to turn on captions. This 17-minute video is worth your time!
Credo Reference features hundreds of encyclopedias and dictionaries. This is a great source for background reading about a topic.
The library has a number of books from the Opposing Viewpoints, Current Controversies, and At Issue series that can assist you in selecting a topic for a research paper. Search "opposing viewpoints" or "current controversies" or "at issue" in the online catalog. (Be sure to select "Durham Libraries"!)
Opposing Viewpoints covers the pros and cons of today’s important social issues. The differing viewpoint articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers present both sides of an issue.