The John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values at the University of Notre Dame hosts its annual "Top 10 List of Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Issues in Science and Technology" at
Visit this site for articles about current topics in ethics.
To find videos in the library collection, you can search the library's online catalog or search these LibGuides to help you find DVDs that are available for checkout. These DVDs can be checked out for one week.
Enter keywords or phrases in the search box to find both online videos and DVDs in the Durham Tech library collections.
Films on Demand has many videos related to ethics. It offers TED talks and other videos that address diverse topics from war to biotechnology to authority and lying. You're sure to find something of interest in this collection ... and it may help you with your Ethics class.
I would like to provide a link directly to this collection, but here are instructions on how to get there.
Check it out!