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ACA 122: College Transfer Success

This guide features lots of resources to help with your ACA assignments!


Welcome to the library's guide for ACA 122: College Transfer Success. Please use the tabs above to find quality resources and information corresponding to the themes of your course.  If you need assistance, please contact your ACA instructor or a librarian.  We're always happy to help!  

Photo of students studying at a table with laptops and books 


Search all library collections @ Durham Tech!

Durham Tech's library collections include thousands of physical books in our library to support your research. Search the box below for physical library items such as books & DVDs. 

Durham Tech's library collections include a number of databases with Scholarly & Peer-Reviewed material to support your research. Search the boxes below for scholarly articles, or the second box for our eBook collections. 

Durham Tech's online library collections include millions of articles, which you can search in the box below.

Books in the library on skills to succeed in college

Career Books In the Library