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EAP: English for Academic Purposes

This guide supports EAP students. You can find links to excellent resources here.

Search all library collections @ Durham Tech!

Durham Tech's library collections include thousands of physical books in our library to support your research. Search the box below for physical library items such as books & DVDs. 

Durham Tech's library collections include a number of databases with Scholarly & Peer-Reviewed material to support your research. Search the boxes below for scholarly articles, or the second box for our eBook collections. 

Durham Tech's online library collections include millions of articles, which you can search in the box below.

Opposing Viewpoints & other series

The library has a number of books from the Opposing Viewpoints, Current Controversies, and At Issue series that can assist you in selecting a topic for a research paper.  Search "opposing viewpoints" or "current controversies" or "at issue" in the online catalog.

Many books in these series are available to you as e-books as well. Here are some Search Library searches that will find them:

Opposing Viewpoints

Current Controversies

At Issue