When conducting research on the open web (for example, through Google and not restricted to library databases), be sure to pay attention to who is providing the information. The organization behind a website may have an agenda that isn't immediately clear to you, the reader. This can be particularly true when looking into certain topics, like religion and politics. Is the organization providing the information biased? What incentives might the organization have for skewing the information on the site or only presenting one side of an issue? A website managed by a religious group, for instance, may only provide information that reflects positively about their religion and badly about others. Sites that have the ending .com may be more likely to be biased than others when researching medical topics, for example. Sites that end in .edu may be more likely to present both sides of an issue because they are managed by educational organizations. Keep in mind what agenda may be behind an given website or the organization providing the information.
The websites listed here are only a few of the publicly accessible websites that may help supplement your research, but it may be best to start your research by searching the library's databases, books, and other resources. Those resources have gone through a more thorough screening process to make sure that the information is accurate and of good quality.
If you have difficulty determining whether you can trust the information on a site, please ask a librarian or your instructor for guidance.