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Durham Tech Library FAQs

Information concerning Durham Tech Library's procedures and services.

Durham Tech Library Study Rooms

Two students studying in Durham Tech
  1. Ask the front desk to check out a room.
  2. Study Rooms require a current library account and are only available to current students and staff for academic activity.
  3. Group members must be present to check out a group study room.
  4. Rooms have a 2-hour limit and cannot be reserved.


  • Students are expected to obey library rules while using study rooms.
  • Group study rooms are equipped with Study Room Screens, large monitors to extend displays for projects, presentations, and other academic work.
  • Other Durham Tech Library locations do not offer private study spaces but offer open study areas which students can use during open hours.
  • Violating study room policies will result in forfeiting the use of study rooms for the semester and are subject to college policies and consequences.

Study Rooms On Main Campus Library

Open study areas at Main Campus that do not require check out at the front desk, both for quiet individual study and for collaborative study:

Image of Quiet Room

Quiet Room

Study carrels and chairs are available and do not need to be checked out. Talking is not allowed in this room; all phone calls and conversations should be taken outside.

Image of Upstairs Open Study Spaces

Upstairs Open Study Spaces

These areas are for quieter studying, and contain study carrels, tables, chairs, and charging stations. If used for group work, keep voices down to avoid echoing.

Image of Downstairs Open Study Spaces

Downstairs Open Study Spaces

These areas are for quiet or silent studying and contain many individual study carrels. Keep voices down to respect others sharing the space.

Image of Glassed-In Collaborative Study Space

Glassed-In Collaborative Study Space

This area is for conversational collaboration and is the noisiest library space. Keep tones at conversation-level to respect others sharing the space. Whiteboards are available for use, and markers and erasers can be checked out at the library circulation desk. This is also the area where Crafternoons are hosted, and faculty with small offices are welcome to work with students here.