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Library Tech Tools

Technology and technology tools available for checkout in the Durham Tech Library

Tips and Tricks for Current Windows Laptop Borrowers

Windows laptops borrowed through Durham Tech Library will be due at the end of every term and all files will be removed. It is very important to save all of your work in cloud storage like Google Drive or OneDrive, or an external storage device.
The library cannot provide external storage devices at this time.
Borrowed Windows PCs are automatically connected to the campus WiFi network DurhamTech. You should be able to access the internet without any additional setup. You will need to log in before leaving campus and reconnect to the DurhamTech Wifi network at least once per month for the computer to continue to work. If you experience any issues with the connection, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at or 919-536-7261 x6111.
Durham Tech cannot provide troubleshooting for home internet.
You may be able to download some programs on a loaner Windows PC laptop.
If you need help downloading a program, contact the Durham Tech ITS Helpdesk at or 919-536-7261 x6111.
While our librarians are happy to answer small questions about how to do certain things on a PC, we cannot provide hands-on training. We recommend attending the Center for Academic Excellence's designated technology support days, which you can find more information about on their website: Center for Academic Excellence.
The library also provides a number of links to computer tutorials on our research guide: Durham Tech's Computer Use Guide

Get Help Using Cloud Storage with these resources